Jan 24, 2012

Drowning Out Lies

Sometimes in the quiet of the night when I'm lying in bed, I get overwhelmed with thoughts.  Most of them are not anything I should be wasting my time on.  Usually they are lies leading me to fear.  Or they may be exaggerations of the truth...lies.  They foster feelings of failure...as a wife, mother, friend, sister, etc.  There are times I have had terrifying dreams, and I wake up in the night flooded with intense feelings and thoughts.

There are a few ways the Lord has helped me to deal with this.

I have turned my fears into prayers (much like I described in my post "Always...In All Circumstances".  That has lifted the fear and I was able to receive His peace, and believe the truth.  The truth about me, about Him, about my circumstances.

A few times I just started saying who my God is (as written in the Bible).  My Comforter. My Redeemer. My Rock. My Refuge. My Helper. My Salvation.  I completely focused on who He is, and was at peace.

And then other times, I have just started singing praise to Him (not out loud :).  As I did, He met me.  Fear fled.  Lies gone.

Recently I watched a video about a severely autistic girl.  At times she will bang her head on the floor, hit things, shake, etc.  She said this is because she is getting so much input (what she is feeling, seeing, hearing), she tries to overcome it with output.  I thought that was so interesting.  Much like how we are surrounded with so many lies, that if we don't combat them with truth, we are overwhelmed.

So the other night when I felt bombarded with thoughts, I started singing to Jesus in my mind.  I found myself singing "louder" until the song was drowning out the lies.  It worked.  My "output" overcame the "input".

This is an up-close view of the wall at the foot of my bed.

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