Jan 14, 2012

Just Learning or Living?

The other day I threw away a bunch of fruit that I had let spoil.  While I was tossing it into the garbage can, I wondered if I do that with truth sometimes.

As I walk through the grocery store and place the fruit in my cart, somehow I already feel a little bit healthier.  Then I buy it, take it home, and place it ever so nicely in beautiful bowls.  Look at how healthy we will eat!  But then we sit there eating pizza...hmm.  It goes in the trash.  Not exactly what I had intended.  Good intentions aren't enough.

Just because I know something doesn't mean I have been changed by it.  Just like looking at fruit doesn't make me any healthier.  Could you imagine if every week I just kept buying all kinds of fruit, displaying it, and then throwing it away...thinking I was getting healthier?  That would be so absurd!

But do I do that with the truth?  Am I just learning or am I actually living?

Do I really want to live for the One who made me?  Do I love His ways?  If I do, then I won't try to lie to myself.  I will seek God and be changed by His love.     

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." (James 1:22 ESV)

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I love the NIV translation of James 1:22.
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

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