Jan 9, 2012

the Maker

I got this text on my phone today-"Why did God make us?"  The question was not about our purpose, or what we should be doing...just why did He make us to begin with?  It made me smile.  It made me think.  My instant response was "For His own glory".  The person wanted more.  All of the sudden my mind was swarming with thoughts, and I started rambling a bunch of them through texts.  A little while later, I felt like a simple answer came to me in the form of a question... 

Photo by Simon Howden
Why does an artist paint? 

That's it!  Well, at least part of it.  He created us and everything else for His glory, yes.  But He made us because He IS glorious!  A real artist doesn't paint amazing pieces of art, simply to get glory.  It naturally comes out of him, he is compelled to paint!  These works come out of his love for it.  Then the artist wants to share the beauty he has made...put them on display.  And they are so wonderful that people want to give him glory.  Praise him for his wonderful works.

One of the reasons God created us is simply because He IS the Creator.  How could He not create? 

Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  As I was pondering all of this, I found it interesting that God spoke things into existence.  His creations are a manifestation of love...His very heart.  The heavens and the earth flowed out of His mouth...and He said it was good.  As we look around we should want to glorify Him, the Maker.  He is awesome!

And as we see the effects of sin, and how they have messed with the beauty, we should anticipate the restoration of His beautiful pieces of art.

"For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made..." (Romans 1:20 ESV)

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