May 5, 2012

God Doesn't Need Me

God doesn't need me. God doesn't "need" anything! He is all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent...He has no limits! God doesn't need to have a relationship with me to feel more complete. He doesn't need me to work for Him. He plain and glorious!

I know this analogy won't be perfect, that's kind of hard to do when you are talking about an amazing God, but I think there's some truth here...

I was thinking about how having children doesn't make me any more of a person than someone without children. I don't need my children. However, they are a manifestation of love, and I do indeed love them! I want to know them and they want to know me. When I am doing something they want to be right beside me, being a part of my work.

Do I need them to help me make pancakes? No. But I absolutely love to let them help. In our working together, we are growing closer, my children are being trained, and great blessings come through this.

My kids love to help make food, they usually enjoy helping one another, and they don't even mind running around to get things for me. The one thing they really do not like doing, is cleaning up their messes. Funny enough, that's actually one of the most helpful things they could do.

Being a part of the work that God is doing is a wonderful privilege. I will humbly remember that God doesn't "need" me, I am the one who needs Him. He has designed things to be the way they are for a reason. He lets His little children be vessels through which He accomplishes His incredible works.

He delights in our love, displayed through our obedience to Him.

I don't ever want to try to serve Him in a way that merely satisfies me, but walk in obedience...even if it's to clean up a mess I don't want to!

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