Jul 2, 2012

Facebook Version of Jesus

Yesterday my husband was on Facebook and saw that a bunch of people were wishing his dad a "Happy Birthday". That's sweet and all...but it wasn't his birthday! His Facebook shows his birthday as July 1st, but it's actually June 1st. Jokingly, my husband said, "Well, I guess he'll find out who his real friends are!"

This was a perfect example of something that has been floating around in my mind lately. Sometimes we have connections with people through Facebook (that we don't actually spend much time with personally), and we kind of build a picture of who they are from what's on their page. We take these bits and pieces, photos and quotes, add our own perspectives, and form an image of them in our minds. Perhaps some of what we think is right, but we can also be way off.

We can also take bits and pieces of what we know about Jesus, and then fill in the gaps with who we think He is or should be. We don't always want to conform our lives to Him, but rather fit Him comfortably into our lives. However, unless we really know Him...believe what the Word of God says about Him, and walk this life with Him...we can be worshiping a "Facebook" version of Jesus.

I don't want to make my own version of Jesus. I'm sure I've done this, and I have to continue to be in His word and believe what it says...no matter what I feel or think, or other people tell me. I want to worship the one true God. I don't want to make an idol and name Him Jesus!

I want to know the real Jesus who laid down His life for me, and rose again to give me life abundantly! I want to follow Him, trust Him, and glorify Him. I want to know His voice, His promptings, His plans for me. The Bible says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph. 2:10 ESV) I don't want to live my life and just add "Jesus" to it, I want to live surrendered to His will for me. I want to live the reason I was created!

If I want to live for Him, I have to know Him...have a real relationship with Him.

photo credit

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