Jul 23, 2012

Ready or Not!

The other night my father-in-law asked me if I was "ready for number 5". I said, "Well...ready or not, he's coming!" I smiled and laughed. I don't feel like there's really any way to be totally ready for having a baby, and I'm not just talking about labor. Of course there's a few practical things I can do, and I will. But with each child there are many unknowns, and so much is out of my control. Even the things I'm pretty sure will happen, I can't prepare for.

The next morning I was browsing some of my earlier posts on this blog. A couple in particular stood out to me, and helped me focus. To read, click below:

"He Sustains Us"
"The Future"

Really, my plan is to trust the Lord and walk in patience and love as this transition takes place. I am genuinely thrilled to meet this little boy I feel wriggling around inside me all the time. I can't wait to see his sweet face and kiss him all over! I'm trying to focus on that, knowing that God will be with me, and strengthen me just like He always has...and currently is!

I guess just like anything in life, I'm preparing by keeping my eyes on Jesus!

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