Aug 31, 2012

Fish Love vs. Real Love

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Watch the video to understand what "fish love" means.  So funny and so true!

Here's some of what the video says about real love:
To love is to give. It's not about you. If you truly give, not in order to receive, not in exchange or with expectations, or because if you won't you're going to be punished...

If you simply give, in order to give, because you truly want to give, something inside of you wants to give, then the giving itself is your reward.

Love is not a means to an end, it's the end itself.

Aug 19, 2012

He Lifts Me as I Worship Him

I started school with my kids that past Tuesday. I had hoped to have my house totally organized, and my lesson plans for the week completely laid out. wasn't quite like that. My homeschool closet was still a mess, my desk a disaster, sink full of dishes, books all over the living room floor, etc. But I had been telling them we were starting that day. It was more important to me to keep that date, than to have everything "perfect".

I had been mentally preparing for this day. I read some wonderful things that encouraged the perspectives I want to keep at the forefront of my mind. I had purchased all the kids' books and had a great planner. I just hadn't gotten all the external organizing done.

I definitely want to have our things in order. I can see how that would greatly benefit us. However, my peace and patience must not depend on everything being "just right". I knew that the most important things that would matter that day were my attitude, a heart full of love, and keeping the bigger picture in sight.

The songs He gave me definitely played an important role in giving me a proper perspective. Music has always been one of the major ways that God has ministered to me. I love to worship Him by singing songs of praise. As I do that, He blesses me right back. Perhaps it's because I'm looking to Him, and the result is hope and peace that goes beyond my understanding. When I focus on His greatness and His goodness, I am comforted.

God met me in such a beautiful way last week, and it encouraged me for the days and weeks ahead. If anyone had come to my house on our first official day of school, they probably would have thought, "wow...this is a disaster". But in reality, it was an awesome day! I felt victorious. My heart was at peace. I had patience and understanding for my kids, even amongst the external chaos. We had a great day learning together. I think I'm going to have to start all my days singing His praise and dancing with my kids!

I LOVE THIS SONG (and the way it ends):
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Aug 13, 2012


Sometimes the best medicine for my heart, is to sing the truth as loud as I can.
This song brought me tears of joy this morning. The kids and I have been dancing around singing it!

This is not the End:
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Aug 12, 2012

What Was His Name?

Last night my husband and I were trying to remember the names of our grandfathers. Both of mine had died when my parents were young children, so I never met them. I knew my dad's father's name right away, but only hours later did my mom's father's name come to me. My husband couldn't remember his dad's father's name. When his parents came over for dinner, we asked them. Then they were trying to brainstorm their grandparent's names! It made me think about how quickly I will be forgotten by future generations.

"As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children, to those who keep His covenant and remember to do His commandments." ~ Psalm 103:15-18

I'm fine with my name being forgotten. I have a spiritual legacy that I hope will scream the name of Jesus! That's what I want to leave behind...His glory.

Everyone's choices (remembered or not) effect the people growing up under them. I want to pass on a spiritual legacy of blessing to my children.

This can go beyond our own family lines. We can be God's instruments in blessing other families' future generations. I hope to reach out to others who have never witnessed the love of Jesus in their families. Perhaps they can be the first of their known family members to pass on a beautiful spiritual heritage.

Future generations will reap what I sow. I like this song by Sara Groves:
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"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is your life and length of days..." ~Deut. 30:19, 20 ESV

Aug 5, 2012

Why Do I Matter?

What if no one needed me? Would I still feel like my life was significant?
My worth isn't in my abilities. My value isn't measured by how useful I am.

My life matters because I was created by an amazing God, with purpose. I am not an accident, and neither is anyone else...even if their parents didn't plan them.

I'm not significant because I am a mother, however my role as a mother is significant. There really is a huge difference!

I see the importance and value in this ministry of motherhood that God has entrusted to me. I'm passionate about living it out well. But I want my motivation to always be His glory, not my own. I don't want to do it so that I feel important. If that's my goal, what happens if my kids don't turn out the way I'd like them to? What happens when they don't "need" me anymore?

I don't want to try to make something of myself. I want to bring honor to the One who made me. "For by Him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...all things were created through Him and for Him." (Col. 1:16 ESV)

There's actually a lot of freedom in letting go of personal agendas. Once I do that, my hands are open to receive what He has for me. And no matter what that looks like to human eyes, nothing could be more valuable. Real peace can make its home in my heart, because I'm not motivated by selfish desires, which are NEVER satisfied! I'm motivated by the love of God, which is a gift. As I give out of that, I am continually given more. My heart is satisfied in Him.

Trying to make myself important will only make me a slave to other people and things.
Recognizing that I'm significant (because I was made by and for Him), will free me up to be a servant of God. I'll be able to love earnestly from a pure heart. I will be able to leave the results up to Him, without trying to control people or circumstances.

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