Aug 5, 2012

Why Do I Matter?

What if no one needed me? Would I still feel like my life was significant?
My worth isn't in my abilities. My value isn't measured by how useful I am.

My life matters because I was created by an amazing God, with purpose. I am not an accident, and neither is anyone else...even if their parents didn't plan them.

I'm not significant because I am a mother, however my role as a mother is significant. There really is a huge difference!

I see the importance and value in this ministry of motherhood that God has entrusted to me. I'm passionate about living it out well. But I want my motivation to always be His glory, not my own. I don't want to do it so that I feel important. If that's my goal, what happens if my kids don't turn out the way I'd like them to? What happens when they don't "need" me anymore?

I don't want to try to make something of myself. I want to bring honor to the One who made me. "For by Him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible...all things were created through Him and for Him." (Col. 1:16 ESV)

There's actually a lot of freedom in letting go of personal agendas. Once I do that, my hands are open to receive what He has for me. And no matter what that looks like to human eyes, nothing could be more valuable. Real peace can make its home in my heart, because I'm not motivated by selfish desires, which are NEVER satisfied! I'm motivated by the love of God, which is a gift. As I give out of that, I am continually given more. My heart is satisfied in Him.

Trying to make myself important will only make me a slave to other people and things.
Recognizing that I'm significant (because I was made by and for Him), will free me up to be a servant of God. I'll be able to love earnestly from a pure heart. I will be able to leave the results up to Him, without trying to control people or circumstances.

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