Sep 8, 2012


I love the way these two women: Katie (Kisses from Katie) & Adeye (No Greater Joy Mom), express the heart of God through adoption. They are an amazing display of the love of God in human flesh. I'm not elevating them as people. Without Him, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing with such love and grace. They are simply brave enough to trust and follow God in ways many of us wouldn't dare. I'm inspired by them, to surrender my plans for His. To walk by faith and not by sight.

I recently read these blog posts, which are beautiful and worth the read.
Click on the orange title to read:
Kisses from Katie ~about brokenness, redemption, fear, good
No Greater Joy Mom ~This post is about Adeye's recent visit with the daughter she's waiting to bring home from Bulgaria. She's 14 years old and has lived her entire life in a crib; starved, neglected, and rejected. She weighs a mere 20 pounds! Sounds impossible, but it's true.

So many orphans have been broken by this corrupt world. They've developed dysfunctional behaviors in an effort to cope, or because they don't know anything different. They have a hard time recognizing and receiving real love. They may push their new parents away, be afraid of them, have a hard time trusting them, etc. And yet, Katie and Adeye continue to love. They don't abandon the children they've adopted.

It struck me how in some ways I'm not much different than one of these children. How has sin broken me? How have my wounds and idols caused me not to trust? Trust this amazing, good and kind Father, who has proven Himself faithful to me time and again. Why am I still afraid? Why am I still clinging to things to feel secure?

I am so thankful for His unfailing, patient love. He is breaking through. His love is accomplishing freedom in my life! I am learning the language of true love. I'm learning to trust, to be brave, to let go. I know His love is big enough to overwhelm my fears...for Him to heal my deepest wounds.

This song embraces my hope in Him to redeem!
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