Jan 7, 2013


I hope that God will use these words to stir up love and good works in your heart (Heb. 10:24).

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I haven't read her book, but it sounds good. Here's a link to it: Undaunted

Jan 6, 2013

The Impossible Life

I don't want to plan my life according to "my abilities". I want to continually follow Jesus into the unknown, unfamiliar paths, living by faith. He is strong in my weaknesses. He is glorified abundantly in the impossible. He delights in using "the least".

The more inadequate I am, the nearer I'm drawn to Him. I see the frailness of my humanity and the awesome immeasurable power of the Almighty God. He is my Father who is intimately acquainted with the details of my little life, aware of everything. There have been times when He seemed to be deaf to my cry. But then, in His perfect timing, He revealed Himself. Powerfully. Undeniably. Not because I'm important, but because He is that awesome. I don't doubt Him anymore. I try not to limit Him in my life.

That's why I don't want to put restrictions on His plans for me...live according to my abilities and strengths. His power is made perfect in weakness. The more "impossible" my life becomes, the more I recognize His hand in it. I don't want to shy away from His plans for me. Fear will have to flee!

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10 ESV)

(Photo credit: Rachel Ranae)

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