It's a great quote. It's true. And with so many distractions at our fingertips, it's extremely easy to do. I want to be very intentional and present in my relationships, and whatever work God has for me to accomplish.
However, when I first read that quote, I felt a bit anxious. There's a part of me, or perhaps an enemy, that often whispers "failure". I am never doing things well enough. Even if I am doing really well in one area, I see the other places where I fall short...self-condemnation begins. I'm tired of it. It really is exhausting to the soul.
I greet my kids with a smile in the morning. I try to look them in the eyes whenever they talk to me. I read to them. I laugh with them. I tie shoes, make snacks, fold clothes, fill cups...
The only way any of these will FILL, is if I have JOY. My kids won't remember what I did for them, but they will remember how I made them feel.
These ordinary tasks can be opportunities to express love, if I can do them with joy. I can't look at them as interruptions to my life. Otherwise, it will be "wasted time". These ordinary moments are opportunities, and they are all around my fingertips.
"Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land..." ~ Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney
"Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am temped to think there are no little things." ~ Bruce Barton
I don't need to strive through the mundane. I can choose to see the beauty in all those simple moments added together.
If ever I can love, I'm living life to the full. That's why I exist. I live to love. My life won't be wasted!
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