Oct 26, 2013

Seeing Him

It's interesting how when we choose to focus on seeing a particular thing, it becomes so prevalent. I never realized how many yellow cars there were until recently, when my kids started playing "Yellow Car". Whenever one of them sees a yellow car, they yell "yellow car", and get a point. At the end of a car ride, whoever has the most points wins. In the beginning it was just on an occasional car ride. Then it became every car ride. Now they can be in the house and if they see one out the window they automatically shout "yellow car". It's become automatic. And now even my husband and I are saying "yellow car".

It's easy to let myself be overwhelmed with fear and anxiety when I look at the state of this world...if I focus on horrible things without considering God. However, when I contemplate the awesomeness of the God who created this planet, and that He is alive and at work here, His peace calms my worried heart. I am able to see things differently. I begin to see Him at work all around me. I want to practice recognizing Him, until it becomes automatic. I want to trust Him with today, and with all of the tomorrows. That is where this poem came from.

Seeing Him
Whatever I set my mind to see,
Will be the lens, through which I view reality.

Am I looking for evil, wickedness and strife?
It's quite easy to find, there's so much of it in this life.

There's also beauty, gifts and grace.
If I choose to look, I see the love of God also filling this place.

He has written His own incredible story,
One filled with love, redemption and glory.

I won't hear Him mentioned in broadcasts on the news,
He's not part of the peoples' different point of views.

I will choose to meditate on the truth of His book,
It's living and active and the place I must look.

It's there He reminds me of His ultimate plan,
To redeem and restore His people and land.

The details of my future, don't need to be known for me to be ready,
It is He who will prepare me, my Rock who keeps me steady.

He knows everything that is coming my way,
Whatever it is, in His presence I will stay.

That is where perfect peace will abound,
In Him, all grace I need is found.

(Rachel Ranae 10.23.13)

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