Nov 30, 2013

I Can't Make Them Grow

One day I helped my kids prepare pinto beans, so that over time they could watch them sprout. I even had the exact same cute little spice jars that were pictured in the book for this experiment. I wet some paper towels and neatly folded them (myself) before giving them to the kids. I helped them place a few beans in their jars so they were just right.

About an hour later, my three year old accidentally broke his jar on the concrete patio. I decided to give him a plastic baggie instead. I let him stick a damp, wadded up paper towel in there with the beans, and let him run with it. You know what happened? His sprouted the most beautifully. Some of the others' actually got moldy, and didn't shoot out like his.

When it comes to parenting, I need to surrender any attempt I may have to control. I cannot control my children or how they will "turn out". I can plant seeds through words and actions. I can water them with prayer. Only He can make them grow.

I don't want to let my godly desires, turn into a desire to play God.

My heart genuinely wants to train them in His wonderful ways, read them scripture, memorize verses with them, and pray for them. I know this will bless them...but it won't save them. When I subconsciously start to play God, my motivation shifts from faith to fear. My actions may be similar, but what's driving me is the complete opposite from what God desires.

My attempt to do things "perfectly" actually hinders me...and others. Instead of trying to do everything perfectly, I just need to recognize the One who is perfect. Recognize that if I seek first His kingdom, He will provide all that I need. I can dive in to what He has for me - unafraid and unhindered.

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth."
~ 1 Corinthians 3:7 ESV

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