Dec 10, 2013

Refreshed by Simple Words

Last night my 3 year old, Dash, asked me to read to him from "Jesus Wants All of Me". It's written for 3-7 year olds, but is based on "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers, which is one of my favorite devotional books. These short and simple readings were so refreshing to me...and my tired brain!

Here are two of them:

Did God use me? Good! I will thank Him. But I must never forget that God can use anyone. He can use a donkey. He can use a king! What really matters is that Jesus wants me. He loves me!

I'm Listening Now
Am I listening for God's voice? Or am I listening for my own? I would love to do big things. And maybe I will. But is God really shouting, "Go and do big things"? Or is He simply whispering, "Come to Me"?

Both of those were so good for me to read.

I was humbled by the reminder that God can use anyone or anything...even a donkey :) When He uses me, I can simply thank Him. That's it. Thanksgiving.

Also, I have to be careful never to begin endeavors with the thought that I will "do something big", even if it's "for God". I must always start with coming to Him. In fact, that's the beginning, middle, and end. Anything "great" that comes out of me, is simply because I am communing with Him! I don't want to forget that.

It's good for me to recognize that I don't always know how or when God is using me...and that's probably a good thing. The more I get my eyes off of myself, the better. However, at times He gives me a glimpse of how He is working through me, when He knows I need the encouragement. His ways and timing are perfect.

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