Jan 21, 2014


As a new year begins, I start hearing and reading the word "goals" everywhere. I don't really get into writing resolutions, perhaps because they're typically the same, and I'm usually not accomplishing them. I have a running list in my head, and deep desires in my heart that I don't forget. Why is it that I have trouble living them?

My kids hard at work :)
For starters, good intentions aren't enough. I have a lot of good intentions that haven't gone anywhere or accomplished anything.

I've also realized it's not about having more goals, or better goals.

What I need is diligence. 

When I hear the word diligence, these words come to mind: strength, perseverance, discipline, focus, press, steadfastness, overcome, don't give up, and just do it!

There's more to it than simply "trying harder". I must have discernment, deliverance, and direction. 


There are different reasons I don't accomplish my goals, some of which are actually good. Perhaps my goals are misguided or not realistic for my current season of life. They need to be let go of. However, I think more often that not, the cause is laziness and lack of self-control. It's hard to develop new habits and let go of old ones. It's important to know when to let go and when to persevere. 

As I live out my days, I pray that I will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading. If He's telling me to let something go, then I don't want to strive to make that thing happen. And if He leads me to "give up" on something, I don't want to wallow in self-condemnation.


There are places where I know I need to persevere, but I've been lazy. I need to recognize those places, confess, and repent (turn in the opposite direction). If I don't start there, I don't think I'll ever move forward! I feel so stuck in certain areas...not doing what I really want to do...and often it's because I need divine deliverance. I need to be set free. He's the only One who brings true, lasting freedom!


Deliverance doesn't always happen instantaneously. Most times it has to be worked through. When I'm walking in humility, acknowledging the Lord, following His lead one baby step at a time, freedom comes. I need direction from Him, in the every day moments. I must not ignore His promptings and His word!


So this year, I want to focus on growing in diligence in all that God has for me to do. I know I can only do that with discernment from Him, by the deliverance He brings, and direction He gives. As I mature in what God has for me, I'll go from wobbly little steps to running! My hope is in Him.

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." ~ 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 ESV

(Photo credit: Rachel Ranae)

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