I am so prone to see where I fall short, and where I need to improve. I often have to take a step back to get the big picture. I have to distinguish the difference between pursuing growth and pursuing God. When I pursue Him, growth is inevitable. As I focus on Him, He changes me in all the right ways.
I wrote this poem a couple years ago, but never posted it. When I read it the other day, it was still so true to my life, and I was encouraged to keep my eyes on Him!
Pursue God
When I pursue growth, my eyes are on me,
All I can see are my inadequacies.
When I pursue God, my eyes are on His face,
He is patient, loving, strong, and full of grace.
My hope is made new and joy overflows
I can live differently, I'm weak but He knows.
I don't want my past to be marked with discontentment and strife,
At how I was never good enough in all areas of my life.
At the same time I know I'll see the beauty that was made,
While I took care of my children and they laughed and played.
I know that my life has been abundantly blessed,
That there's so much beauty in the midst of my mess.
Yet it's hard to let go and be okay with where I am at,
Know God is working in me, and leave it at that.
I want to somehow embrace the natural tension of running a race,
But doing it with a heart filled with peace NOW because of His grace.
My goal shouldn't be to "be a better me",
The peace comes when I lift my eyes up, and His face is all I see.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light,
I need to rest in Him, not strive to do everything right.
I need to simply live and let Him work through me,
Getting my eyes off myself is how I will clearly see.
And then as I look back on all of my days,
Instead of regret about how I felt, my mouth will be filled with His praise!
(Rachel Ranae 1.20.14)
Listening to worshipful music almost always helps me to get my eyes off myself and lifts me. The kids and I have been learning this song. I love all "Shane and Shane" songs :)
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