Jan 14, 2017

Lighten Up

My four year old is bursting with song. He sees everything through the eyes of music. He hears rhythms and beats where others hear noise. He wants to sing and play instruments with other people and for other people. He doesn't do it for the glory, he's not motivated by that. He simply does it because he loves it. He enjoys sharing what he loves. And you know what happens when he does? He spreads joy.

He inspires me. I love witnessing his passion and his confidence. At this point, when he sings publicly, he likes me right next to him softly singing along. I've seen him breathe deep right before letting out those first words. His love for singing trumps any fear he has.

Whether he's on the couch in his pajamas or all dressed up on stage...he sings. I want to privately live out the good desires I have, and be willing to share them publicly too. I make it so complicated. I analyze and criticize. I do this to myself, and worry that others will do it to me as well.

I'm often reminded of this quote. "Joy is to be found when you don't take life or yourself too seriously." ~Martin Luther

Honestly, the first time I read that I didn't like it...because I'm so serious. But the more I pondered it, the more it resonated with me.


Lighten up.

Don't be overly self-conscious.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Don't always try to measure results.

Don't stop sharing because of fear of rejection.

Get over yourself and do the good work God has for you to do!

For all the people that may judge or criticize, there are many who will be glad that you shared your life and your gifts. I continually need to get my eyes off myself (stop taking myself so seriously), and enjoy living out the unique plans God has for my life.

Just like my son wants me right next to him on stage, I do find it helpful to have a couple close people to cheer me on. We all need encouragement to be brave.

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