
Through the difficult times in my life, God has always drawn me close to Himself. As I look back, I can see His fingerprints all over my life. Not that He orchestrated the chaos, but He loved me through it. I thank Him for His presence. I can live thankful no matter what my circumstances are, because He is with me. He is doing a work. By the grace of God, I am "living thanksgiving".

Maintaining an eternal perspective is how I can know joy and thankfulness, from the small mundane tasks, to the huge life-shaking trials. All of it is for His glory. None of it has to be in vain.

I have been married for 16 years to a man I adore. We have six amazing children. Day in and day out I am with these kiddos...nurturing, teaching, caring for their needs in every possible way. This life He has called me to is exciting, fulfilling, joyous, and amazing. It is also trying, exhausting, and difficult. 

I am learning not to cling to the things of this world, and to live instead for the glory yet to be revealed. I want to live for the kingdom of God and His purposes here and now...and then forever with Him! 

So why am I writing a blog?

Writing often helps me to slow down and focus on the thoughts that are constantly floating around in my head. I gain clarity. I am also much better at remembering what I've learned, when I've written it down. 

I really enjoy sharing with others what God is teaching me and what He's working in me, whether it's with one of my dearest friends or through this blog to people I've never met. I love when sharing my life, brings encouragement to others. That is why I share my thoughts in this place. I am reflecting with a grateful heart, while hoping to encourage yours! 

For His Glory,
Rachel Ranae

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